Our vision is an enhanced living landscape, where communities value their local rivers and where productive land use and clean rivers with flourishing wildlife populations exist in harmony in catchments that are resilient to changing climates, so that rivers may continue to provide benefits for both people and wildlife.
WWRT will work towards achieving this by getting our feet wet and our hands dirty and taking local, targeted action to make a real, positive impact using best practice and developments in science, as well as by working with our umbrella body Afonydd Cymru to influence policy changes for the benefit of our rivers and wider catchments.
But we are only a small team and we can’t do this on our own. To achieve sustainable water environments, we need an efficient regulator and companies and land managers that are accountable for minimising their impacts on our rivers. We also rely on our growing network of volunteers who act as our eyes and ears on the ground, as guardians for their local rivers.