Spreading of organic material such as manure on land is a significant contributor to excessive nutrients in Welsh rivers, but gaps in our planning system and weak regulation are allowing spreading to continue to pollute rivers.
Following pressure from the Rivers Trust of Wales, Afonydd Cymru, and Fish Legal, Welsh Government have this week confirmed a review into the regulation and enforcement of spreading of organic materials on land in Wales. The objective of the review is to consider the current regulatory frameworks and identify ways in which they – and their application – could be strengthened to improve river water quality.
Alongside this is a specific review of the anaerobic digestion (AD) industry, including its impacts on water quality. This review will look at everything that is spread legally, including slurry, manures, digestate (the liquid from anaerobic digestion), sewage sludge, sludge from milk and food processing plants.
More information here: Welsh Government Takes Significant Step In Reducing Nutrient Pollution | Afonydd Cymru