Corporate Volunteering

Book your corporate volunteering activity with West Wales Rivers Trust to get your team hands-on with positive climate action on West and South West Wales’ rivers!

West Wales Rivers Trusts’ active volunteering days for corporate groups enable your team to:

  • Get climate active and climate aware
  • Improve wellbeing
  • Connect with each other informally
  • Build teamworking skills
  • Think creatively
  • Learn practical skills
  • Learn about rivers, water and climate change
  • Hit sustainability goals
  • Have fun!

Activities include:

  • Planting wetlands and woodlands to reduce flood risk and store carbon
  • Removing invasive species to improve biodiversity and create habitat for wildlife
  • Improving river habitat by adding tree limbs into rivers to re-naturalise them
  • Preventing pollution at source by painting Yellowfish on storm drains to engage communities on the link between storm drains and rivers
  • Pulling tonnes of plastic out of rivers before they are swept out to the ocean and contribute to the risk of ecosystem collapse

Each group makes a BIG difference to West Wales’ rivers AND to our climate future. Activities vary throughout the seasons, and are accessible and fun for people of all abilities.

How to book

Email telling us what your group size and preferred month of activity is and we can find an activity, site and date to suit your team and budget.