West Wales Rivers Trust


The West Wales Rivers Trust is a charity dedicated to restoring and safeguarding the rivers of West Wales for people and wildlife.

If you spot signs of water pollution or fish in distress, please ring Natural Resources Wales’ 24/7 hotline on 0300 065 3000 or click here.

Number of tributaries adopted by our volunteers

Number of farms worked on for pollution prevention

km of river habitat improved

Number of trees planted

In-river barriers removed or eased

km of river opened up to fish passage

Number of children engaged with rivers


The Eastern And Western Cleddau

Thanks to Afonydd Cymru for writing the piece below for their 'River of the Month' feature... At Picton Point in Pembrokeshire the tidal sections of...

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Agricultural plastics project

We are working on a project to improve on the volumes of agricultural plastics being recycled in Wales. We will be working with agricultural...

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Our Rivers

What We Do
